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EBT Match

Montavilla Farmers Market accepts EBT benefits and matches up to $20 per market at both our Sunday and Thursday markets. Visit our information booth to get EBT and matching currency to spend at our vendor booths.

Instructions on how to use and match your EBT benefits at the farmers market:

中文: 如何在农贸市场 使用和相适应您的 EBT 福利

Tiếng Việt: Cách Sử dụng và Đánh đổi các Trợ cấp EBT của quý vị tại Chợ Nông sản

На русском: Порядок оплаты и увеличения вдвое суммы своих пособий EBT на фермерском рынке

Español: Cómo usar y duplicar sus beneficios de EBT en los mercados de agricultores

English: How to Use and Match Your EBT Benefits at the Farmers Market


How-to video on using your EBT card at Montavilla Farmers Market:


Using EBT at the Farmers Market Zine

Illustrated by Sarah Mirk for Montavilla Farmers Market

Download the Zine (Available in Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, Spanish, and English)

Learn How to Make (and Fold!) a Zine